It's not that complicated.

Brian, Co-Founder


"We're called to serve, right? God put a love for coffee in me so that's how I'm gonna do it."



"On a service trip to Guatemala I saw the effect we can have on these incredible farming communities."



"Our mission is to inspire and encourage with God's Great Word and great coffee."


We didn't always have a coffee company,

But we always had a calling.

We're just some family men from Austin and LA who share a love for the things that are most important: Coffee and Christ. Not necessarily in that order.

But for us, there were a lot of similarities. They both were and are a big part of how we woke up every morning. The ritual of our morning coffee became the time we'd pray and reflect. It's also a moment where we relish in the best. That's why every bag is filled with Specialty Grade coffee and named for a bible verse we'd reflect on. Then, there's a small prayer on the back for the thousands of Christians we serve across the country.

We knew that whatever you do in life you should do with a love and respect for Him that gave us this word. And frankly, we didn't see that in the other coffee companies out there.

Coffee is something we were buying every week and every day. This is an earth-grown drink that was a really big part of our lives. And the options out there weren't the least bit reflective of our values!

That's why we started Promised Grounds. We believed that we could make a better coffee and do it a better way. And since then, the Lord's been on our side, y'all.

We started at the farm level, making sure that the ethics of Christ are reflected in the way we source these beans. We've worked with incredible farmers and sourcing agents to make sure that we're a part of the solution for better global trade, and not part of the big problem that the other coffee companies have been.

Then, after selecting for the very best beans with water grading channels, we import them green and roast them right here in Texas. We roast them a pride for the craft and a love for our Lord Jesus, whose Word is going to be on the bag. Our flavor profiles are designed to maintain the strength of the flavor, because the farmers worked hard to keep it there. The other guys burn their beans and give you char and smoke. We want you to taste the world.

And every taste helps the world, too, because we made a promise to answer all of our coffee in missionary work.

Once churches got word of what we were doing, the business changed. We started our Tithing Together Program. We give back directly the churches who serve us. We train their volunteers. We provide service standards and guides for what we think of as "Radical Hospitality."

Our prayer is that Christ continues to bless and support this business with incredible customers like you.

The more coffee we sell, the more change we bring to the world. Let's build Kingdom of Christ!

That's coffee the Christian way.


We're a hands on group and we read every email. Tell us about your passion for coffee (or Christ)! And reach out with any questions.